People and Their Cats

People and Their Cats

Cats are among the most popular, if not the most popular pets in America. Why? There are any number of reasons:

  • They thrive indoors
  • They’re social animals who can become very attached to others
  • They tend to be quiet and easy going
  • They come to rely on us as caregivers
  • There are many kinds for all types of people

They’re particularly great for many introverts.

There are self-described “cat people”; they don’t all adhere to a stereotype, either, there is just a very clear connection between people and their cats.

Cats are often beautiful creatures, particularly when they’re young. As they grow, they often become graceful, as well as continue to be playful, and many love to cuddle with their humans, which is both cute and comforting to most.

For many, what makes them a better fit than dogs is their tendency toward calm aloofness. Some are needier than others, but many cats are satisfied to be left alone for periods. Dogs, on the other hand, usually need much more attention to be mentally healthy and happy. Cats need your love and attention, but may seek it out less often, or less emphatically.

That doesn’t mean they’re not loving, or useful. They have been known to alert their owners of danger. They can be service animals; many people use them to help keep calm under stress. They may help keep rodents and insects under control around the house. When it comes to love, they show their appreciation in their own ways. Cats will sleep with you without drooling on the bed. They don’t get as stinky as a dog, and so it’s easier to have a cat as a bedfellow. They talk to you, purr for comfort and cuddle.

Overall, cats have been known to win over dog lovers and even people who don’t like pets. Consider adopting a cat if you want animal companionship. Bring them to Pet Vet Hospitals for checkups today!

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